
History & DNA

Uno Transport is a solid, established and dynamic company with strong leadership and highly motivated employees.

Kim Uno Mogensen started the company in 1999 at Aarhus harbour. After the first year he bought out his partner and ran the company single-handedly in very modest conditions – literally behind a curtain in the reception area of an office park in the centre of Aarhus!

Today the company has 50 employees at its headquarters in Viby J and in regional subsidiaries and offices.

Kim Uno Mogensen has an education in shipping and has worked with shipments to the Baltics and Ukraine. When he started his own company he had no customers initially – but succeeded in building a business based on his many contacts and extensive experience.

A strong grasp of economics combined with deep insight into the culture and working conditions in these countries have been the core of Uno Transport's DNA from the outset – smoothing operations in this part of the world for our many customers over the years.

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